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Our Mission
Our Mission

To highlight individual achievements of people from various walks of life who have scored great and significant achievements in their respective fields.

To provide environments where ideas and information can be shared.

To represent the viewpoints of its members to governments.

To develop partnership of business, political, professional and other representatives of the Indian community to define and discuss the key issues on the Indian economic agenda.

It keeps Indians well informed about the achievements and problems of overseas Indians through conferences and seminars and exchange of visits of delegations.

To helps in Organizing conferences, seminars and discussions from time to time in various parts of the country beneficial to achiever members.

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Photos of Summit

H.E. Khun Korn Dabbaransi, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand  inaugurated the lamp at the 10th International Achievers Summit- Bangkok, (Thailand)

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    Award Categories

    Promotes and encourages commendable achievements from all over the country. The Forum regularly organises national and international level seminars with the help of its members to promote socially responsible business practice and sustainable development in economic as well as social front in India.

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